πŸŽ™οΈ Just2Us! πŸ˜„πŸŽ§

Awakening to Luvie's Destiny with Life Coach Lovey

β€’ Zachery Williams β€’ Season 3 β€’ Episode 6

Have you ever wondered if the whispers of your inner voice are guiding you toward your true purpose? Today, I, Mr. Zachary, am joined by the ever-enlightening Lovey, a spiritual life coach who exemplifies the power of tuning into those whispers to manifest a life aligned with one's deepest callings. Together, we unravel Luvie's transformative journey from the world of media to the realm of spiritual coaching, offering a treasure trove of wisdom on leveraging our innate gifts. We also delve into the transformative effects of nature on our well-being and the invigorating promise of the early morning's embrace.

Personal growth is akin to navigating uncharted waters, where letting go of the shore is inevitable for discovering new horizons. In our heartfelt discussion, Luvie and I dissect the intimate process of growthβ€”how it sometimes means loosening the ties to relationships that no longer serve us, and how it invites us to form new bonds that resonate with our evolving selves. We recognize the immeasurable value of a supportive community and confront the role of fear as not a hindrance, but a springboard to launch us into the great unknown. Our candid conversation is an homage to embracing change with open arms and the courage to transform challenges into triumphant milestones.

In the culminating moments of our dialogue, we touch upon the profound essence of loveβ€”its role in sculpting our destinies and the way it paves our path to purpose. As your host, I share my deepest aspiration to be a beacon of love, igniting that same passion in others. We celebrate the exponential growth of our platform and the diversity of our global community, united by the shared experience of ascending together. Tune in to a discourse steeped in love, purpose, and the collective journeys that shape us, and may you be inspired to rise with us, here on "Just the Two of Us.

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Speaker 1:

Hey you guys. It's your boy, mr Zachary, on his ones and two, and welcome to Just the Two of Us broadcast season three. We are here again. Season three, y'all Season three. Like we came a long way, but we here now. I am sitting here with a lovely person. She is a spirit of life coach. She's have her own broadcast and everything else in between. How?

Speaker 2:

you doing love, I know. Good morning, tom, how are you? I'm so glad to be here.

Speaker 1:

Listen. I'm so glad you be here on my broadcast. I'm like thank you for taking the time out your day and come spend the time with me for a few minutes.

Speaker 2:

Zachary listen. First of all, just to let y'all know he got me up early in the morning. Okay, I am not a morning person. Okay, I don't know, never have been in my whole entire life. But when we're doing the booking I said, well, where are the late sessions? Where is the afternoon sessions? Okay, it's Saturday. We're supposed to be like, you know, rolling over. You know it's all good, but it's good though, because you know, let me get up, okay, let me get out the bed. Let me get up today and go out and try to figure out something. I may go see some people or something, who knows.

Speaker 1:

But the weather is the addict, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

So Love tell us about yourself, like who is you, like what makes you get up, like, give us some background about you.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, y'all. This is so hard. Before we started recording I was saying this is different for me to be on the other side of the mic in some way. My name is Lovey. I am a spiritual life coach and also currently the producer and host of they Call Me Love radio show, which airs on OM radio on Thursdays at 9 pm and Sundays at 5 pm.

Speaker 2:

It's all about purpose. It's about using those gifts that you have to push you into your purpose. That is our tagline. I'm a true believer that all of us have gifts, whether they're spiritual or talented, whatever. We have a gift and those gifts come from the most high and that just gives us a glimpse into where we are supposed to be walking right and the things that we're supposed to be doing. A lot of us ignore the talents that we have and think it's just, oh, it's nothing. But really that's where the blessings come, the things that we've been praying for, trying to manifest. It's in those gifts and you're like wondering well, why is it taking so long for the things to manifest or to pop up? It's because you're not tapping into those gifts. So I kind of went on a journey and what came out of it was going through spiritual life coaching class or schooling and then creating this podcast or radio show to be able to really speak something.

Speaker 1:

And so here we are, yeah, yeah so I like to like ask my guests who comes on my broadcast like how is, how is your mental health? That's mental health is very seriously. I take it seriously over here. So how's your mental health right now do?

Speaker 2:

with releasing people. You know that's not supposed to be around you, tapping into those gifts that you're ignoring. To kind of bring those things out, getting outside in the sun Okay, I know we just got, went through winter and it was dark and everything but trying to get up and get outside, just those things like that help with my mental health and actually, like you, got me up this morning.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you got me up this morning early, and it is a good thing to get up early. You get your day started and stuff like that. I'm a true taurus y'all. I'm a homebody, want to roll around, okay, so you know, I feel like that helps my mental health as well so, if you know me, I like to be outside.

Speaker 1:

I am outside the people I like to. I'm a. Sagittarius. I just like to be outside, not all the time, but sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm going to try to go outside every day, just for you.

Speaker 1:

So love. Can you tell us a little bit more about what is your purpose and how did you find your purpose?

Speaker 2:

Uh-oh, come on heavy-loaded questions early in the morning. My purpose is to speak, so I come from a background of media folks. Okay, so my mother has been in radio and TV her entire life. I'm not going to drop her name, because every time I drop her name they're like oh my God, that's your mom. And then it's very embarrassing because that's how I grew up. I grew up known as the news lady's daughter or the radio daughter, and they didn't know me as Lauren, which is my real name. And going into purpose, love came out of it. But I went to school for communications and so, following my mom's steps, and I was just like, okay, I'm gonna do radio on TV, right, okay, great, later in life I kept hearing, truthfully in my spirit, you need to speak more and I was like what do you mean? I need to speak more.

Speaker 2:

So then I thought, well, maybe I need to do the radio show on my own Cause I've had a couple of podcasts before and I had partners and we were doing it together. And finally I kept hearing it loud and clear. Loud and clear you're supposed to do this alone and you're supposed to speak what I tell you and I'm like hold up, hello, who, who, and you know everybody, you know like the lord. I promise you, the lord speaks to everybody and it's just a soft, still voice. Sometimes it's just something like an impression. It's not literally like an impression. It's not literally like oh, lord, from above, you know, or something like that. It doesn't work like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but I kept hearing things repeat. That's a part of the mozai, right, and the repeating part was you need to speak. And I was like, okay. So I got in my meditation and I heard it clear as day. He wanted me to speak about how I came into my purpose and also how I started to become more confident. What I didn't realize he was pushing me in my purpose as I was doing these radio shows and doing all of these things. But then, when I started to do my studying, he was like no, you're supposed to speak a little bit more to help these people find purpose. I ended up going to what's called a prophetic Academy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so I walk in the gift of a prophetic. Okay, I can hear, I can see. I am a dreamer. A dream interpretation is a part of my business as well, so that's why it's called a spiritual life coach, okay, and I went to these. I sat up under somebody who had the same gift as me to try to help me understand what the gift was, and as I sat up under somebody who had the same gift as me to try to help me understand what the gift was, and as I sat there, that's when the purpose was like oh, you're supposed to speak this You're supposed to speak.

Speaker 2:

How to find purpose, how to get people out of that negativity, how to find the love they call me love that they're really supposed to have. Stop staying in relationships that you know you're not supposed to be in anymore, including real romantic relationships, friendships, family all of that matters, and all of this stuff was just like on me. So I started they call me love podcast or radio show, and it's definitely deeper than just hey, how you doing, let's talk about it. Hey, how you doing, you know, let's talk about it. So I mean, that's just a baby glimpse of kind of what it is, but it's a lot.

Speaker 1:

But I walk in it and I I do what you say lord. So why do you think people is stuck in a certain area, or trying to find a purpose or be like I don't know how I feel about that. That's like I don't know if I tap into this. Why do you think people are stuck at that moment? Because you know, sometimes we have this, you know, devil angel on our shoulders that's exactly correct and we kind of play like I don't want to do this, I shouldn't do that. So why do you think people are stuck at that moment? As today, to be honest with you, truthfully, it's fear.

Speaker 2:

It's fear of stepping out into doing something different that plagued me for a long time and it is something that you have to defeat. You have to defeat fear. It is a spirit. It is something that can attack you, just like negativity or laziness or whatever, but it's because of fear and also the fact that someone else is doing it, somebody already is doing it, somebody already has a podcast, somebody already is a teacher. No-transcript and millions of different experiences Right, so you can't worry about what other people have done and also just release the fear. The thing is, if God has given you the talent, he's going to bring everything else behind it. You know what I'm saying and you know I'm not like this preacher person. That's not me at all, and people are like because I'm the most jokiest person that you could ever believe.

Speaker 1:

She is to be honest with y'all she is.

Speaker 2:

I'm not. I don't even truthfully, attend a regular church. These are things that happen within my spiritual walk with God, by myself, and that is what you have to do. It is about a spiritual connection between you and him and he's going to tell you what to do, right, and you just release the fear, because the first thing I was like was, well, I need to have all of this grandiose equipment, right. I was like, okay, I want to record. I need a brand new mic.

Speaker 2:

Mics can cost thousands of dollars, if you. Okay, but do you know that you can go to Walmart and get one for $15? It's just going to sound just as good. Okay, you know, you need a computer. You don't need the big boy Apple computer. You can go get an HP laptop. That's on sale, that's refurbished, it's little things like that. You just have to get started, okay, and once you get started, I promise you he brought all of the big boy equipment to me, discounted. There we go. The radio station came to me. Okay, what I'm saying is, just get started and he will do the rest. Man, I'm preaching this morning and I'm not even trying to do that, okay that's it.

Speaker 1:

Like you have, sometimes you don't know how many people that you're going to touch. Just just open up your mouth and and you'd be surprised. You don't have to be a pastor, you don't have to be in church. Your spiritual journey is your spiritual journey.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

you want to do, do it and don't let anybody hold you back. And I think sometimes people it's fear. Fear is definitely where it comes from. Fear is self-doubt and like people and people not supporting you, and I think that's a lot come on, you touch it.

Speaker 2:

open the door, lord, you're talking about people not supporting you. But you know what? I don't care. That's the part, and that's where everything goes out the window. I'm telling you, when you do what you know you're supposed to be doing, you do not care. I promise you, the people that are supposed to hear it are going to hear it. The people that are supposed to listen are supposed to listen. Remember, the gifts that you have are not for you, they are for other people. Which means you said just open your mouth. You don't never know if that joke that you're about to tell is going to change someone's day. You don't know what people will be going through and stuff like that, and support will come. It's soul tribes. Have you ever heard of soul tribes?

Speaker 2:

It's really about those people that's really supposed to be with you in your life, right? You know we have friends that we've push you right to be goal-oriented and to do better things. If you're still, if you're chilling in a circle and everybody's doing the same thing or somebody's nowhere where are we?

Speaker 2:

We're going to always stay right here. Right, I need to level up. You need to start reaching out to your mentors, the people that you like all the time on Instagram and you're like oh, I never talk to them. How about you send them a message? I bet you $2 they'll respond and help you to go figure out how you may be able to move or shape.

Speaker 1:

And I think, on top of that, some people are not meant to be there. When you level up, some people will literally be like, hey, you missing bit. This is not your journey to be on. Thank you for being a part of my life, but it's okay. We we have to cut ties. It's it's going to be all right to cut ties with people, and I think that people are afraid to do that. People are afraid to like lose that. I need this person no you don't.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell y'all something when it's when you level up, people are going to leave, period. It's supposed to happen, right, because, remember, you're going on a journey, doing like this, but if not everybody is walk, they may be walking beside you, right and, and you're doing like this, but notice that they're still behind you, right, and it's not wrong. Y'all may have created many things, you may have learned things from them, and it doesn't mean you're not friends or cool. It just means that we're just going in possibly opposite directions and right now, instead of us walking together, we're just going to walk apart for a little bit and maybe one day we may come back together. It may happen that way, but at the end of the day, when people leave, let them leave.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there's a reason because, if not literally, god will force them out of your life. He will create a situation where he will allow for it to be separated. So before you even get to that point and you know, you have that thing in the back of your head like just something. Just don't feel, right. I'm not as comfortable as we used to be. Or you notice that side eye from them when you give them some good news, like why is somebody scouting?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

It's creating a space for it, creating a more space for you to grow and and the people who get it get it, and I I like to say that because a lot of people not gonna get it, that how you get it. It might take a long process for them and that is okay. Like everybody have their different journey. Like recently, like me and my friend, we sat down and we had a whole like heart-to-heart conversation where we all have been in life. I'm like, yeah, I love my tribe, don't get me wrong, my tribe is the way how I move and thank God, like the way how they move.

Speaker 1:

We move all together collectively and sometimes you know, we, we, we, we saw each other be like, sir, what you doing, yes, what you doing, but you know it's what I love about it like we don't, we don't stab each other in the back, we don't talk about each other. We support. For me, as a true friend, I will support you 100%. Yeah, I will be your number one fan, baby. I will be like yes, friend, you better, yes, friend, congratulations.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I will be like I don't.

Speaker 1:

So you think you're better than everybody else? No, because first of all, that's not. That's not. That's why I don't want to like to live that way right?

Speaker 2:

no, we don't want to be like that. That's weird, right. Negative because it's negative, right? So's like you don't want no negativity following you around, like that. Stuff follows you, like you know.

Speaker 1:

And I think sometimes it blocks doors to be open. Come on, and when you bring that negativity with you, baby, people don't want to work with you. People don't want to be in the same room as you. You want to be in rooms that have been pre-prepared for you, that you don't even know they open.

Speaker 2:

The doors are open. Y'all know how we have like big doors, small doors, double doors and all of that. Well, that's it's. That's a big point, because not everybody can get through one door right and things like that, which means not everybody coming with you. Keep them negativities, people over there. But when that door opens, though, that's the thing. When the door opens, take advantage of it, because the door may not reopen. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Never open anything. Take it, just dive in. Don't walk in. Don't hesitate to be like I don't know. Go I will in. Don't hesitate to be like I don't know, go, go, I will push you. Go. It's not for me. Do it in fear.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying. Even though you are fearful, do it with the fear, like you know, like I'm scared, but man, this really looks like this would be a good opportunity, right.

Speaker 1:

And like I'm'm gonna take it because you never know, it could be money, it could be support, it could be anything that you, I want it to be. So that's what I'm telling people like yo be afraid, be afraid. Afraid is good, it's good, it helps you get out your comfort zone.

Speaker 2:

It's a message for sure. It definitely tells you that see, fear can either be like really telling you all right, you really do need to be scared, like you know, flight, you know, and things like that, or it could be being like wait a minute, hmm, am I scared of what's going to come? Am I scared of what I pray for? You know, a lot of times we pray for things, manifest things, and then it comes, and then we scared or we're like, oh no, da, da, da, da, da. Um, listen, if you pray for it and it showed up, don't be scared, for when the thing that you pray for shows up, All right.

Speaker 2:

And, as a matter of fact, we're supposed to be being in preparation, you know, for the things that we want, right? So if we want a new house, then how about you start packing up your old house? Little things like that, like I'm not saying pack up your whole house, but it's an act of faith to just be like I'm gonna pack up and I'm gonna start cleaning up and I'm gonna start throwing these things that aren't coming to my new house.

Speaker 2:

Even if you don't have the new house, it shows god that you ready and prepared because you're not bringing that junk with you to the new right. So why don't you?

Speaker 2:

throw out the hole in the junk while you're preparing, you know, and that's for all things. So this is the year of the eight. Okay, the eight talks about abundance, and abundance in all things. It's not just money. That means love, health, peace, whatever it is that we want. All of that is going to be coming to us. But remember, we talked at the top of it Some people may be leaving because of your abundance is coming in. It's eclipse season. Right now, we're about to go through a big eclipse season. We have Mercury retrograde. That's coming. All of these things bring people back to you. That, whether good or bad, right. Also, to see if you're ready to go into the next. Are you going to accept that person back, which means you're going to go backwards, right? Or are you going to acknowledge it and then you just keep on moving?

Speaker 1:

don't worry you gotta ask the question. It's a test, it's a test, it's a test, it's an overs test. So one thing you said, and I want to back up from the beginning Growing up as a child. Right, you said your mom was in the industry. Yes, and you don't have to say her name if you don't want to. Right, how do you see your mom growing up? What does that mean for you as a woman, as her being her daughter?

Speaker 2:

At first I didn't. That's my mama. First I didn't look at her as the news lady, the radio lady. It didn't dawn on me, truthfully, until I got into maybe fifth grade when people kept saying, oh, you're the news lady's daughter, oh you're this. And I was like, why is that such a thing? You know, because people don't really realize that you know radio and TV here. You can be on TV, you can be on radio, but that doesn't mean you're paid.

Speaker 1:

You know, it doesn't mean you're rich.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of people that are on TV right now that are broke not saying that we were broke, but you know, I just watched her. She, she has, she has some coins now she did have some coins, but I watched her grind. She was a single mother, okay, so it was just me and her and my grandparents, so my grandparents helped out quite a bit. I watched her grind. She is a black woman in media, you know, and someone who had to do speak, speaking engagements and you know, doing all these things. And I would talk to her. I'd be like mom, do you realize, like you are an influencer.

Speaker 2:

Back in those days when influencers weren't even a word, she didn't. She didn't look at it like that, she looked at it like a job. She'd never wanted to get up in the morning to get dressed up. She doesn't do that to this day. She doesn't like the hair and the makeup and none of that.

Speaker 2:

But I just watched her pour into so many women, um, kids, and it was just like, wow, okay, you're changing some people's lives out here. I may kind of want to be like that and I promise you I wanted to be like my mama when I grew up. I still want to be like her right now I'm still growing up, but it definitely showed me a woman of God, a boss, who can do all things. I'm a single person. I don't have any kids, you know, but if I had some, I don't know how in the world.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was going to be out here in these streets trying to be motivational and all of that, but she definitely was the reason why I am doing this to this day and I don't know that goes back to just find you a mentor, even though that was my mom. She was truly my mentor because she was what I. That was. What I really wanted to do was be in media and things like that. But shout out to her um, my last name is Smith, just go back in the 80s and 90s, you know, that's all. Look it up. I gotta tell y'all do y'all research.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you off the thing, do y'all research. But, like for me, from growing up I was like the opposite, right. So my mom, I have my mom attitude, honestly. I have my mom attitude Honestly. I have my mom attitude. I think I have. I have my dad workaholic.

Speaker 1:

So, if those who don't know who is brand new in listening, I am an author, I am a poet, I'm a broadcaster, I'm everything in a small business, yes, and so growing up it was very tough for me because I didn't know how to find the words to use. I used to act out a lot. Not only I'm the baby, so it took a whole village to raise me, so I used to act out and I'm like, okay, why I'm acting out? Like how can I not use my fists but use my words? So poetry is one of the handles I love to use. And my dad, he taught me poetry a little bit. He said like, use your words. He said use your words, speak, lose your words, talk about it, talk about your feelings, write it down. That's what I love about it. It made me who I am as a person today.

Speaker 1:

For me, looking at you, you touch so many people that you don't know who you touch and that is so amazing when you hear people that look like me and be like, oh wow, I was like okay, like if she can do that, I can do that. And you know, I'm still my 20s and I'm still learning life as a whole, yeah, so if you can do it, I can do it you can.

Speaker 2:

I can't believe. You just said that. Oh my gosh, that is just man. It's still very flabbergasting to me that I'm doing this. I mean, I literally have been doing this for many, many years. I started my company in 2015 and I started everything with production related things. So I just like edit people's audio and do commercials and all you know stuff like that. And then I'm like, okay, you're supposed to take it further. Okay, you can use the things you're supposed to be doing, get behind the mic, do all these things. It still amazes me, you know cause you were like, oh, let's interview, really amazes me, you know, because you were like, oh, let's interview, really like it's still I, it. I'll tell a short little story. Shout out to abby duran. You said that you were a poet. I need to get you in contact. I don't know if you know abby, she's the um owner and creator of verination.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you do know Abby, I was about to say you, so shout out to Abby, right? Yes, me and Abby are friends, like me, and Abby started poetry at the same kind of time. Yes, so shout at her and I won't tell her when I see her.

Speaker 2:

I just was with Abby Listen, abby, listen, that's my dog. Abby is about this big y'all. She is this small, I can put her in my pocket, but that is a fierce woman who has some words inside of her and if you need help with anything, it comes to poetry writing. Right now she is heading up creation station, so if you are creative and you want to get up in front of some people and create, please oh my gosh, holler at her. She's also a part of the sisters in song group that I'm in and that's how I actually met her is through that group, and abby actually sent me um a DM of a month ago and it's a screenshot, and on the screenshot it says they call me love, nominated for Charles 2024 best radio show yes, I did not get an email so I didn't know this.

Speaker 2:

So when I'm look, I literally was staring at the thing for like a minute trying to figure out like why is she? What is this? I'm thinking she's creating this. She goes Lauren, didn't you know this? Or love, I'm like no doc, I, I had no clue. And that goes back to please do what you were told to do because, like you said, you don't know who's watching and like who's paying attention. Y'all. I I started what is this year two for me, going on for my show, and in year two they nominated me for the best radio show of Charleston and the we'll find out next month, uh, if I won, but regardless, I don't even care. It's the fact that my name is just on that ballot and I just think everybody's just who.

Speaker 1:

Even I don't even know who did that like I'm gonna say you are in rooms that you don't even know about, and that's something like when you say abby, it was like wait a minute, yeah, I know her very well. And like like I'm telling you, you are in rooms, you are pushing envelopes, you are pushing the boundaries, you are doing things that people would never do. Say this only a few of us. A few of us will push envelopes or make a difference in somebody's life, and you are one of them I cannot believe.

Speaker 2:

Thank, thank y'all. I, I am humbled. Okay, like I'm already just very humble, I'm very humble I don't care.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm very chill like you probably would never know. I have that spiritual thing in front of my name. I just like to choke and chill. I like me a little. Champagnes and oysters.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we may go to the wine thing this evening. You know, come on, I'm be telling people, like, when you tapping into spirituality, y'all, I'm telling you, god ain't worried about if you had that glass of wine, okay, he's not worried. If you, daggone, went to the club, okay, now see, it's the excessiveness, okay, that he's worried about. Okay, worried. If you dad don't went to the club, okay, now see, it's the excessiveness, okay, that he's worried about. Okay Now, if you in the club every weekend and if you in the bar every day, okay, now, we got to have a conversation. We may have to have a conversation, but I'm telling y'all it's not.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot of people that goes with fear to or being judged. You know that people think like, oh, I can't. You know, follow um the most high. I can't do that because I'm gonna be judged or whatever. And you know I'm not a religious person. I would not document myself as a baptist or holiness or whatever, because at the end of the day, I have been in every single one of them churches before okay, and I have learned something in every single one of them churches before Okay, and I have learned something in every single one of those churches. But at the same time, I've also seen what's really happening behind the scenes that y'all don't go, that you don't know about, okay, and this we talked about the number eight.

Speaker 2:

This is also the year of the reveal, which means things are going to be revealed to you that you never thought, what y'all see right now. We see Diddy. We see a lot of people that are in the industry right now, that are like, really on front street, and it's going to get worse. Okay, this is part of prophetic. I'm gonna let y'all know you about to see about two or three more major people this year that are going to be um in front, and it's going to be some people that y'all paid a lot of money to go to their concerts, and I'm just gonna let y'all know you're going to be very shamed when some of this stuff comes out. Now this goes with discernment right, having discernment. Again, I don't care, you can listen to certain stuff. We're not telling you that God, about this, smites you because you listen to the rap music now. But you need to pay attention to what's happening in this news and media right now because it's more coming.

Speaker 1:

You know what, and it goes back into the Me Too movement. Hmm, it's going back Because I have said that to somebody and I was like, when you think about it, it's like, yeah, this is about to get started up again. It's about to get started again, it's about to shift. I'm sorry. We're about to see some people be knocked off, their feet Knocked off, and they're going to see some people be knocked off, their feet Knocked off, and they're going to be like can you give me a life jacket?

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, baby you have to sit in that what you created out of me, out of Empower. You have to sit in that and you got to go through it. You got to handle it, baby. It's time for you to suffer. I'm sorry. It's time for you to suffer.

Speaker 2:

Because it can only go for so long, right. And this is with all things in your life. You can only do certain things for so long before it's going to catch up to you. And that's like eating well. So if you're not eating right, you know your body's going to mess up. Well, if you're out here in these streets and they are blank trafficking people, they leave, but they ain't ready to have that conversation yet.

Speaker 1:

they ain't ready to come to the table and have that conversation. Your people that you have in your corner, and the way how you and that's the thing, the way how you treat your people, tell you somebody gonna be the whistle, somebody gonna blow the whistle off your top. Tell you somebody know all your business.

Speaker 2:

Somebody knows all of your business.

Speaker 1:

And they be like you. Everyone found out.

Speaker 2:

Listen, be careful. This goes back to who you're trusting, the discernment people trying to be pushed out of your life. You're letting them stay there, you're telling them all your business and you wondering why stuff keep creeping back around, or also why things that you want are not manifesting too. Because if you start, a lot of times you need to keep things secret, and it's because you don't always have your best interest at hand.

Speaker 2:

Do you know that people can pray for you, but they can also pray against you? Okay, you would be surprised that people that don't want you to excel, that want you to stay right there with them sitting in that same job, even though you know you went to school, you paying all these master's degrees loans off, but you're going to sit in this baby job because you're comfortable and because your friends level it up.

Speaker 1:

So what she's saying to everybody who can't not hate in the back that you need to listen. Not everybody, everybody, can eat from your table. That's what she's saying. To just sum all up, what she's saying not everybody is meant to be at your table. That's why you have different tables in your life and it goes back. I said this plenty of times before life is a tree. Come on, you got leaf, branch, the root. Come on. If you know what the leaf stands for, it falls off. They whistle away.

Speaker 1:

Your branches will finally break off, but your roots will hold you strong to the 100% until you kicked it off. But everybody's not ready to have that conversation. They're scared to have that conversation. They are terrified to have that conversation because you have everybody in your business. Sometimes you have to move in silence. You don't have like as they play in chess. You play checkers. Come on, you cannot tell everybody your business. Everybody's not meant to for you.

Speaker 1:

Some people will pray against you for not being successful as you are as today. They want you to stay where you at. Some people are envious of you because they're not with it yet. And the people who are envious of you and I like to tell them, it is okay, your time is coming. This might not be your season, but it's planting for you. Don't stop grinding. This might not be your season, it might be your friend's season. Baby, that don't stop you from planting your seed. I say to my people this is not my time to be blessed, but this is my time to be humble and plant my seeds. I'm very particular how I plant my seed this time, because not everybody's not going to root for you. And this is the eye-opener for me this year, baby, I might give you a little piece, but I'm not going to give you the whole subject.

Speaker 2:

You can't say all.

Speaker 1:

Because I don't know if it's going to work out, if I tell you and you might come back and snatch it from me, and sometimes we have to realize that a it's okay, it's hard, it's hard, and when it happens, then say it Right. And sometimes you don't have to say it and sometimes you don't have to say it.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes you do not have to say it. Your blessings are your blessings and you know, sometimes you can share because it can help motivate others. But at the end of the day that can just be a testimony or you know what Thank you Between you and him. Thank you for doing that, because you don't ever know what's coming after that. Right, it may not be done yet, you know. So you know, keeping quiet it's just protection. And remember we talked about people leaving away and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you may be in a season of what I call wilderness season, where it's like things may not be going the best, you may not have all the money in the world, you may not have all the friends, but you'll notice that you're covered. Right, you have everything you need in EED. Right, but you may not have everything you may want. But you talked about planting those seeds. It's because in the wilderness it's barren. Right, you need to grow something, right. So you do have to plant the seeds, and that's going back to school or, you know, taking up your piano lessons again, going back to getting your hair done every week like you used to, whatever it is. That's going to start to get you into the momentum of where you need to be is just starting, but you don't got to tell anybody truly, and it's okay to be still, to be still and silent.

Speaker 2:

we move around so much you never notice that sometimes you wake up at 2, 3am in the morning, 3, 4 in the morning, just randomly, right, you could went to bed, everything. Good, that's the lord. Okay, I'm telling y'all, that's not you. I gotta get up and go to the bathroom. That's him trying to give you a download. Because during the day, during the nine to five, you're hustling and bustling, you're listening to the radio, you eating, you doing this, you doing that, and you can't even hear him, right? So he's going to wait until two, three in the morning, when it's silent and he can get to you, so that you can sit up and hear what he needs to say. I, so that you can sit up and hear what he needs to say. I suggest, during this eclipse season that's happening right now, during this retrograde, all of this happening is happening right now. Okay, if you get that call in at two, three in the morning, just sit up. Don't sit there and toss and turn. Don't sit up there and just be like man. I need to go back to sleep. Just sit up, that's all I need you to do. And that's all I need you to do and just listen. I promise you you're going to hear what you need to hear Something that you had prayed for.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you just been having anxiety or stress. He can literally drop peace on you Okay, but you won't sit still enough to receive it. All right. He can drop that job on you, but you won't go and apply for the job. He can give you the raise that you need, but you're scared to ask your boss for the raise. You have not because you ask not. You have not because you're not sitting and meditating with the person who is your giver of life, the one that's going to give you your blessings.

Speaker 1:

And to go farther with that. Speak into a distance and I think that's manifested. You have what you say. I am a true believer of speaking. The more you speak, it see, part of your brain works. I forgot the name.

Speaker 2:

It's like a small little piece of your brain, cemetery gland, or like your third eye, or whatever One of them things.

Speaker 1:

Every time you say it, keep saying it. It pictures, it creates a picture, it creates memories that are like, okay, you see yourself. You see yourself. If you keep saying it, what you want, eventually you're going to get it. And eventually you're going to be behind the wheel of your brand new car or be in a boardroom and be like, oh snap. Or be in your own company and be like like I'm making shirts or I'm selling cops you never know. Or you pick a whole million-dollar company you never know. You have to speak into existence and do certain things that you need to do Because, at the end of the day, only you know what's best for you.

Speaker 2:

Now see, now that's a heavy one right there, because you know what you're supposed to be doing and you've gotten the confirmations from people that, but you don't want to listen. Meanwhile, you're wondering why you're broke, you're wondering why you can't go on a trip with your girls, wondering why you know all of these things Because you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing. You're doing what you want to do. It is, and what we want to do does most sometimes align with what we need to do. Because I do want to be in media, right, I wanted to be in media and radio, right, but I thought I was supposed to be on somebody's top 40 radio as a DJ and doing all that. Well, I did that, but that wasn't what I was. It was more than that right that I was supposed to be doing. I was supposed to create a business and do all of this stuff, and I'm like I did not see this 10 years ago.

Speaker 2:

I didn't always see this. I knew that I was going to be in media, knowing that I was going to be doing this on my own.

Speaker 2:

No never in my life would I have thought that. And you said, like speaking things into existence. I actually have a show. I think it was episodes, I don't even remember but it literally is entitled Worlds Create Worlds, words Create Worlds and it means whatever you speak, you have. So if you're walking around saying, dang, I'm broke, dang, my stomach hurt and da da, da, you know things like that, guess what that's?

Speaker 2:

what you're going to have Rephrase your thoughts, like, if you're broke, just say man, I may not have it right now, but I'm so excited for what I'm going to have next week. Thank you, god, for what I'm about to have coming up in a day or two. Thank you that my stomach is healed in the name. You know not that I'm sick, that I'm walking in healing. Instead of saying I'm sick, I walk in healing. Instead of saying I'm broke, I walk in abundance. You have to literally say what you are, and I know it sounds simple as just saying and if people are like, well, I am broke, well, guess what You're going to be?

Speaker 2:

You're going to be broke, you're going to be broke so continue to speak that you are and you will continue to be that, and it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

And you can't be worried about people when you try to help them too. That's another thing. When you try to help people and they're not receiving the help, let me tell y'all the gift that we've been given. We're supposed to give the word, and that's it. A lot of times, we have people come into our lives that we're supposed to give words to, but next thing, you know, we're in relationships and it's 10 years down the line and that wasn't even supposed to be your man. Okay, that was supposed to be the person that you told a positive word to, and that was it. That was it. Maybe they were supposed to teach you a little something, and then that was it, but you let it last for 10 years. If you're sitting in something and you're uncomfortable, that uncomfortableness is god telling you to move.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and you better do it quick. If y'all see us face to face, like we are here, you behind the scenes, like, like I said, I have to get it, those who get it get it. And like, my broadcast is for the people who gets it, yeah, and baby, if it takes you 10 to 20 years, baby, to get it, it is okay.

Speaker 2:

It took me this. Yeah, y'all I can tell you. Okay, it took me 10 years of ignoring, staying in the wrong relationship and walking in a circle patterns, cycles, repetitive cycle everything's good, we're good for six months, and then it's all hell break loose. Everything's good, we're good for seven months, and then all hell breaks loose. Everything's good, we're good for a year, and then all hell break loose.

Speaker 2:

You knew the pattern the first one or two times but, I sat there and was like no, I've been in it 10 years. I, you know, we, we got this and I'm talking about a relationship been. Do we supposed to be doing this? I, I gotta have his back. That's not my husband.

Speaker 1:

Bow, and the thing is, if it take him 10 years for him not realizing that, Let me tell you, I had two rings from him.

Speaker 2:

I could have been married. We lived together, we had a beautiful home, we had everything. But that was not my husband and over 10 years he was still not my husband. And so after that time, so when does it click that that's not going to be my husband? Like you need, like within the first six months, you know whether or not you're going to be with somebody. The men know and it's up to you whether or not you're going to sit up there and get into the relationship and get into the match and just get into a routine. And it's good. Right, it may feel comfortable, but what is your end goal?

Speaker 2:

If you want to be a wife, if you want to be a husband, you need to recognize what is and what isn't. And if things keep repeating that are negative, that is not God. God blesses. God does not take away and do I mean he can now, but he doesn't like send horrible things to happen over and over and over again. That for a while you got to figure out. Who am I attached to? What am I doing? You know, what do I want? If I want to be a wife and he's not made me the wife. I could have had a ring all day long. That don't make nothing. We playing house, we playing house. And this goes with not just relationship friendships. At some point you saw something that just wasn't right and you still are like oh, that's my girl, we've been together, we've been friends since we was five. Yeah well, that friend since she was five is talking mad crap about you behind your back when you leave it, child, let's.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, okay, it's early in the morning. My bad.

Speaker 1:

Those who get it get it and it goes back into we all talk about. Like yo, everybody can't be at your table and it can't be.

Speaker 2:

Can't be, don't want it to be Exactly so.

Speaker 1:

I have two questions for you, and these are two million questions I ask my guests on my broadcast. Yes, what advice would you give yourself back then that you realized that you needed, as you see now?

Speaker 2:

You are more powerful than you think you are. Your gifts are real. Don't second guess what you hear. Don't second guess what you hear. Don't second guess what you dream. Write down your dreams. Take advantage of every opportunity that is given to you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are made for this. No fear, if I would have, I just needed to hear that you are not crazy. And let me just speak to those who have a spiritual gift, because all of us have a gift. Y'all, we all have a spiritual gift. Some of us dream, some of us see. You know, we can hear all of these things, y'all. Nothing is a coincidence. Okay, nothing is a coincidence If you get that thing in the bottom of your shana na na na, that, I feel. And it says run run, don't jog.

Speaker 2:

Don't jog.

Speaker 1:

Run, run.

Speaker 2:

You't jog. Don't jog, run, run. You are not crazy. The Most High does speak to you. You can hear it just as day, clear as day. Listen and use it. That's what I tell people.

Speaker 2:

Use those gifts, get into your word, start doing your research, and I'm talking about the Bible. You need to get into your word. Start doing your research, and I'm talking about the Bible. You need to get into your word. But there's other stuff that you need to read and see.

Speaker 2:

This is where religion comes in, and that's why I don't call myself religious, because people just want to point it to just the Bible, y'all. God is a big God. He is big. He is not stuck in this word. He is not stuck in hundreds of pages of Bible. He is not stuck in this word. He is not stuck in hundreds of pages of Bible. He's not Okay. So you need to get outside and start doing your research of things.

Speaker 2:

If you're a dreamer, start researching dreamers. Start looking at the dreamers in the Bible, like David, okay, start. If you are a prophetic and you start hearing, start looking at the prophetic people in the Bible, like Moses. Start looking at the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha are the are the books of the bible. That did not make it into the bible. Okay, we go and it's. They're powerful and they're gonna scare you. It's something, because it goes into detail of things that we probably never would have thought of that was happening. But that's the reason why they took it out okay is because they don't want us to have the knowledge. We perish because of lack of knowledge. We need to start researching things. Okay, so that's what I would truthfully would have told myself Start researching. Don't believe everything that you hear. Don't take everything at face value. I know we grew up in a church and they told us that God died on a cross and da-da-da-da-da, but it's more than that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's more than that on your spiritual journey and that's what I'm saying. I'm not because I grew up in the Baptist right, but I'm not religion as my people are. I'm more spiritual, yeah, like I can sing, I can say certain things that people be like wow and like that's insane. Like I'm on my spiritual journey now and I'm trying to unlearn me versus finding me.

Speaker 2:

That's good. Say that again. Say that one more time for them.

Speaker 1:

Unlearning me versus learning me. Yeah, and that's the type of journey I am on and I'm loving it and those who understand it and those who are going through that right now. It is okay, because you are going to have many cries, angers, frustrations, being upset at people that you don't know, that you are upset at. You want to have people be like in your face and be like why are you here? And that's why you have to look at you. You have to go deep, deep inside and unlearn what you have been taught. And it's okay because you are healing, yeah, the internal side of you.

Speaker 2:

So when you come across that threshold again, you know how to you know, you know how to handle it and believe, believe me, it comes back around, and it's because of the lesson. It's God making sure. Did you learn the lesson? He may send you the same type of man in a different package, and this time this man, he may look good, he may have money, he may treat you good, and then, all of a sudden, you notice that he's sometimes lying a little bit, or sometimes just don't show up when he's supposed to little things. Right, those are the red flags. Okay, those are the red flags. And then he'll do it again. He'll send you another guy, and this guy may look good too, may not, um, may be a little liar sometimes, or whatever. Whatever you see repeating, that's your issue. So if you keep dealing with liars, then you need to realize that you're blinded, right? Why are you letting people lie to you?

Speaker 1:

or you may have an issue with lying then the thing it goes back into, then they're not the problem you are. You are right. It goes back and say why do you think this pattern is happening? Visit that moment. That's the thing. That's. That's all you have to. A deeper thought is it was something about why. Why are you like that?

Speaker 2:

you do have to ask the question why? And literally be okay with what the answer is, because the answer may not always be which would you? Because you're gonna have to open yourself up. That is what your spiritual journey. They call it dark night of the soul or whatever. It's not easy. You're going to have to see things within yourself that you have been ignoring right and then fix it. If not, the patterns repeat until you learn the lesson. The pattern will literally compete. It's called.

Speaker 2:

Y'all ever heard of generational curses? Oh, I know, but those generational curses, those are real and it could have come from the past and you could be the one that god has chosen to break that thing off of your whole entire generation's life. Things like unwed have y'all ever missed? Have you looked and noticed that all the women in the family are unwed or they all have children out of wedlock? Now, I'm not not calling, I'm not saying nothing's wrong, but what? But these patterns are not normal patterns. You know God did originate for marriage and he originated for you to be able to have a mother and a father and you grow up together, right? So if there's a pattern of alcoholism, drugs, whatever, it's being passed down and somebody has to recognize wait, something ain't right. And how do we stop this? You could be the one that's supposed to be like. You know what I got to stop this? I got this.

Speaker 1:

And it's okay. And then the thing is it's okay, then the thing is it's okay, it's okay but man, they're not ready to have that conversation yet first of all, this a lot.

Speaker 2:

We don't went all the way in on your whole show. This, this is what my show is about, okay? So if y'all want to get deeper, tune in to they. Call me love on om radio. You can tune your dial to 96.3 fm on thursdays at nine and sundays at five. You can stream online at ohm radio 963.org. You can catch all of the archives. Go to my website, theycallmelovecom. Everything is luv and I would love to sit down with you. Spiritual life coaching sessions are open. Dream interpretation sessions are open. Let me get you running into your purpose. Let me help you out. I've been there, I did that and I don't want people to continue to be there and did that, okay, so let me help you out a little bit and push you into your purpose. I'm glad I got up this morning with you, zachary.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and my last question yes, this might be a tough question, uh-oh, because some people it's a tough question for some people. After all has been done and you have left everything out on the table and today was your last day that anybody will hear from you. What do you not the people that know you, not your family, not your friends, not the organization that you are a part of? What do you want to be known for or left for?

Speaker 2:

I would love to be known for showing people how to truly love themselves and love others and to use that love to be able to manifest and create and push them into what they're supposed to be doing. Love is key. I really believe that God is love. His name is literally love. So if God is love, that's what we're supposed to be doing and giving and showing. So I want to be known as a loving person, so somebody who gave love, real love, like that's what we're supposed to be doing and giving and showing. So I want to be known as a loving person, so somebody who gave love, real love, um, and was able to help teach other people to do the same.

Speaker 2:

You know, because if you can love, that means you can. You can change things, you can shift atmospheres and you can walk in purpose right, because if you're walking in love, you're walking in what's best right For you and for others. So just to be that change right that. They knew, man, love was gonna love on me. You know she was gonna show me what it was about, she was gonna tell me the right thing. I know that she was gonna give me the right advice and she was gonna give me a good love, hug and send me on my way, right. So I think that that would be it. Man, I said a lot of stuff today, so somewhere in there, man, I like to just thank you for coming on my broadcast.

Speaker 1:

Just the two of us. It's great you to have you. You have made me cry inside, you have made me laugh and you have taught me a lot today. And, like I said, what you're doing is touching a lot of people. Even in this platform, it's going to touch a lot of people. Thank you so much. And to my guests Not my, oh my gosh to my listeners, I want to thank you for amazing time just to sit back for listening, take a wine, do a workout. Thank you, because this we are going up. We we are on 21 countries. I know that's right. I think it's 159, 159 cities.

Speaker 2:

Come on.

Speaker 1:

And we are going up, and we keep going up and you are tuning into just the two of us. It is your boy, mr Zachary, on his ones and twos. Y'all have a nice day.