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Jay's Odyssey Through Love, Laughter, and Legacy

Zachery Williams Season 3 Episode 1

Buckle up for a rollercoaster of emotions with Jay, the trailblazing educator defying norms in a field often reserved for women. Our season opener packs a punch, exploring his journey through the eyes of a young man raised in a two-parent home, weathering the storm of their separation, and the immeasurable value of kinship during life's twists and turns. We peel back the layers of his story with humor and vulnerability, teasing the moment Jay revealed his true self to his bewildered parents - a conversation that promises laughter and a few gasps.

With wit and candor, we navigate the capricious sea of human connection, from the giddy highs of new love to the profound quest for a legacy of kindness and resilience. Jay steps into the spotlight, sharing his escapades and enlightening us on the importance of finding humor within the romantic dance. As the inaugural guest of our third season, he sets the bar high, leaving us with echoes of laughter, musings on the essence of compatibility, and an insatiable craving for what lies ahead on Just the Two of Us. Join us for an episode that's an embrace of personal evolution and the pursuit of joy, featuring a guest who embodies the spirit of living boldly and loving fully.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Just the Two of Us. It is your favorite broadcast host, mr Zach, so get comfortable with me and let's talk about it. Hey, you guys, it is the Old Boy, mr Zachary. Welcome to Two of Us Broadcasts. This is finally season three. Y'all Season motherfucking three. We made it and we're back and ever. We're behind in one tenent motherfucking country. Let's start the shit off correctly. I have a good, good guest host here. He's a good friend of mine. He's my little brother. He's sometimes a pee in my ass. He's my front brother. Hey, jay, how you doing?

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey, what's good, everybody what's good.

Speaker 1:

Jay, how are you doing today? How's your mental health doing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, baby girl, child Mental health, it's something, but our all chose the side. It's pretty well. You know, we have our good days, we have our bad days, but look, I'm blessed to still be here. God still got me here. That's all that matter, baby, there you go.

Speaker 2:

So I want you to tell my audience and you, being young and starting off, Plus with USC to you know, like for like it was just the fact of being young. I was like a little intimidated. I said all these people they got knowledge, they've been doing this for a while and it's so dominated by women. And I was literally the only actually I like when I started, me and another young man through the same program, we started at the same school at the same time, so it was just us two. We were like the youngest people there, the only general education male teachers teaching there as well. So it's just like. It's like a big, a big weight on my shoulders, like I was like I gotta I gotta prove myself. I gotta make sure people like you know know that you know I can do this and you know you have people kind of parts that feel like you know he he, he don't know what he's doing.

Speaker 2:

He too young, these young kids, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I came in there. I came in there and I crushed that shit. I did better. I had some people on my team that wasn't really so teamly and playful and I ran circles around them all two years I was at that school. I was like, yeah, it can be intimidating at first, but put your foot down, step up to the plate and just be about, be about your job, be about your money, and it all falls into place honestly, okay.

Speaker 1:

So I'm gonna I'm gonna wind it back a little bit before you graduate from college. So so you have a two parent household, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Correct. So how is like growing up having a two parent household? First thing, everybody else around you having a one person household, like a mom or dad, because you got both Right.

Speaker 2:

Um, I would say, for me growing up, it was, it was really nice, it was, it was good. Honestly, I got a lot of support from my parents. Um, have a nice day. Both my parents supported different things that I needed in my life. So, like mom, I supported this dad, I supported that. So it was just, it was like that. But also I also can relate to people who've been in single parent households Because honestly, during my I want to say starting like my sophomore, maybe I would say my junior year, up until my senior year of high school, actually during that period my parents were separated so I was just, I was back and forth between my mom's house and my dad's house, and so you know, during that time I already had like a lot of things going on and so then, like my parents being separated, it was just it was just overbearing.

Speaker 2:

My grandmother died, so it's just like I fell into like a really deep depression and everything, and it was just like it was just.

Speaker 2:

It kind of feels like your whole world is crashing down when you're so used to, when you spent your whole life being used to having both mom and dad at the house, and then it's just like, oh, now it's mom over here and dad over here. It's just like you don't know how to really deal with that. So, like I always tell people who always have both their parents, it's just like be grateful for that, because it's hard, like it's hard not having both your parents in the same household. It really is. It's hard for them as well. They have all these, they have bills, and then the kids and everything. The one thing I guess I am grateful about I'm grateful that my parents were able to come back together as one. Secondly, I'm grateful that my parents they didn't hold any hostility or they didn't try to, you know, take advantage of the kids to pick sides and things like that, and they were very mature about talks with us about it, so thank God about that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so for me I can't. I cannot relate, because my parents got divorced when I was a child. Those who know the story knows the story. But like having going back to one household, they go back over here. Then you know somebody dropped the ball over here and now picking up the kids, you know it creates a whole different dynamics inside. The like sounds like the child is growing up. So I can definitely can't understand your story, but I can't understand your story. So how did your parents found out? How did you tell your parents that you come out the closet?

Speaker 2:

Cha. Okay, that's a good story. So that's a good story. So I didn't, I didn't come out to my parents to maybe literally, I think, like somewhere you're a college, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, here's the thing, though. So I had it all planned out. Yeah, I had this whole thing planned out. I was we was gonna have a sit down. I think I was my best friend was supposed to come over and everything as well, and we're just gonna have this deep conversation talking about my sexuality. And so I text my parents, my mama and I said I was at work, matter of fact, when I was texting her and I was like, hey, you know, I'm coming home this weekend and I just I want to have a talk. I was like I want to have a talk with you and daddy, or whatever. She was like okay, cool, and she was like what's the? She was like what about it? And so I was just like. I was like it's just about life and you know changes and things like that. And my mom is like me, she is goofy as hell. So she thought what's up? Hello Will what you talking?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm like it's just. I said I just want us to be, I just want everybody to be closer together, and she's like okay. And she said what's that about, though? And I was just like, matter of fact, I should have gave her that fucking much. I should have just been like you will find out when I get to the house, but I kept. I kept giving her pieces and bits and I was just like it's just about love. And I was like love and who I like? I think that's what I put y'all. And she's talking about some, isn't it about your sexuality? I was like, yeah, I was like I was like first of all, I should have just said no, but my dumb ass. I was like, yeah, she's like, oh, is this that you gave to your YouTube, where you know you? And I was like, oh, I was like you're doing my own thing. This is how I was surprised Y'all, I'm not even kidding.

Speaker 1:

You didn't kill me baby.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm gonna say now I'm on reverse top yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking for you. What's the right side?

Speaker 2:

Ooh, staff. And then when we're talking about like the guy, you have to have just right dick for me. I'm picky. Sorry, you can't have this. You can't have this to your penis and expect that to go inside me. No, Anyone from Tim.

Speaker 1:

Shit Me, I went inside the freaking story, so we don't go there. Time you ever had with somebody, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

I think I got it, I don't know. This is kind of hard.

Speaker 1:

I gotta think about every time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking Keep going.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna edit this, I think I got it.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna go for a couple. I think I got it. I'm gonna get my stuff. Yeah, I did it, I did it, I did it. I did it two or three times. Okay, I liked it. It was pretty good. They made it really good the way I was introduced to them. I met them at like it was just cool. I was like just really cool. And you know I really they were like an open type of couple, we're friends and you know what I'm saying. And I was like, okay, you wanna be part of it. Right, I'm not gonna be there.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be there, I'll be there.

Speaker 2:

I'll be there, I'll be there. It was September, no, it was not One day. It was just like we were being sexual and it was my first time at so I was blindfolded and when I was just getting off, I was scared. I was like, oh my God, they about to sacrifice you with this goat. Oh my God. I was like oh my.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was like I wanna go. They gonna use my blood. I was like I wanna do. They already know my blood type. I was like I wanna know what they gonna do with my body. I was like I hope they don't chop me up because I don't think I look good. I don't want my head like. I just don't want my head. I don't know how my face gonna look. I'm worried about it. I wanna look good. If you're gonna kill me, please just make Charlotte. Okay, don't look crazy. But all right, everything was good. Y'all, I'm still alive, clearly.

Speaker 2:

So I was like, if these shades are good, they express like I was in the form of X. That makes sense. I was handcuffed in the form of the X. So I was like they had this little feather tickling, it was kissing and talking all over my body and I was like, oh. I said, oh, this is good baby. I like that. I mean they gonna get it. This juice is everywhere I had. Oh, lord, god forbid me, I gotta come back. I guess somebody would come back. And I was just like, wow, I did get. First time in my life I actually had two penises in my whole. I see, yeah, so my penises was this whole. That was the first time I had two penises in my life. I was penising. That night was a lot, okay, I don't ever get this. You're like I don't get this. She walks like you be like. Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

We're not going to fast in anybody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what's happening. Oh, yeah, definitely. I asked like film any wise, like masculine? Yeah, I guess yeah everybody's all that stuff. So a lot of people, not a lot of people. That's how I cannot count all my things. The number of people I slept is what it is. We are here. We were meant and Biologically procreate.

Speaker 1:

Procreate and give you flowers like Lily. I want to say you are amazing, you are fun with you, you make me laugh. I really, really, truly.

Speaker 2:

I really love that and I love and I appreciate that people really don't know that like One thing that honest me really like bad spirit when I can, just when I'm so like when I was somebody because I have to have Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

So my last question for you After everything in life, do you want to leave no, or if you have to leave every right now, at 25 in life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like to leave this right now. Yeah, hope that people will be that I was a caring People that literally gives my all in my last dime for people, because I do that. That. I'm that. I might get hard, I might fall, but I always do get back up. I'm small, I'm a hot ass, I'm a hole, but always rely on me, trusty, and then I say that I can, I love them. You know, I actually do care about them. Oh, but let me not mess up my best.

Speaker 1:

But thank you, jay, I really really Season three just like broadcast, and you are the first one to start this season off Well, finger.

Speaker 2:

Y'all, I this is like it's amazing to be on this podcast. And then Zach, he got three seasons and I'm the opener for the season three. I feel pretty good, like I feel like Beyonce. Yeah, that feels good, oh. Oh, oh you.